I'm a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University where I am fortunate to be advised by Dr. Ming Yin. My research interests broadly lie in the fields of human-computer interaction, human computation and crowdsourcing, social computing, and human-AI interaction. My current thesis work aims to understand the challenges faced by various data worker populations in order to devise interventions and systems to help mitigate these challenges [HCOMP20, IJCAI21, CSCW22, HCOMP23]. Some of my work has also looked into how factors of machine learning models impact people's trust in its decisions [CHI22] and analyzing how population size influences language used on social media [LREC20]. Through my work, I am honored to have received best paper awards at AAAI HCOMP and ACM CHI.

I received a BSE in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan. During this time, I was part of the Daly Design and Engineering Education Research Group exploring the impacts of problem framing on ideation flexibility in engineering design [ASEE16, ASEE17, Des.Stud.21].

I also currently serve as the Computer Science representative for the Purdue Graduate Women in Science Program (WISP) leadership team. Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about Grad WISP events and other activities!

I am currently on the job market for postdoctoral positions starting in Fall 2025. Please feel free to reach out if you think I may be a good fit to work with you!


  • December 2024: I will be serving as a Co-Chair for CrowdCamp at Collective Intelligence 2025, and the initial Call for Participation is now live. More details will be coming soon, but please start thinking of exciting research ideas that you would like to bring to life!

  • June 2024: I will be serving as a Co-Chair for CrowdCamp at this year's HCOMP conference, and the Call for Participation is live now. Apply here to take part in this great opportunity!

  • April 2024: I am honored to have been selected to attend this year's Heidelberg Laureate Forum!

  • December 2023: Our paper "Snapper: Accelerating Bounding Box Annotation in Object Detection Tasks with Find-and-Snap Tooling" has been accepted to IUI 2024! This work was done with Alex Williams, Min Bai, Jonathan Buck, Tristan McKinney, Koushik Kalyanaraman, Matt Lease, Patrick Haffner, Xiong Zhou, Kumar Chellapilla, and Erran Li.

More News...


Snapper: Accelerating Bounding Box Annotation in Object Detection Tasks with Find-and-Snap Tooling

Alex C. Williams, Min Bai, Jonathan Buck, Tristan McKinney, Amy Rechkemmer, Koushik Kalyanaraman, Matthew Lease, Patrick Haffner, Xiong Zhou, Kumar Chellapilla, and Li Erran Li.
The 29th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), Greenville, SC, March 2024.

Characterizing Time Spent in Video Object Tracking Annotation Tasks: A Study of Task Complexity in Vehicle Tracking

Amy Rechkemmer, Alex C. Williams, Matthew Lease, and Li Erran Li.
The 11th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP), Delft, Netherlands, November 2023.

Understanding the Microtask Crowdsourcing Experience for Workers with Disabilities: A Comparative View

Amy Rechkemmer and Ming Yin.
The 25th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), Taipei, Taiwan, November 2022.
[Slides] · [Supplementary Materials] · [Talk]

When Confidence Meets Accuracy: Exploring the Effects of Multiple Performance Indicators on Trust in Machine Learning Models

Amy Rechkemmer and Ming Yin.
The 40th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), New Orleans, LA, April 30th - May 6th 2022.
[Slides] · [Supplementary Materials] · [Talk]
Best Paper Award

Exploring the Effects of Goal Setting When Training for Complex Crowdsourcing Tasks

Amy Rechkemmer and Ming Yin.
The 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Montreal, QC, August 2021. (Sister Conferences Track)
[Abridged Slides] · [Full Slides] · [Poster]

Problem Framing and Cognitive Style: Impacts on Design Ideation Perceptions

Eli Silk, Amy Rechkemmer, Shanna Daly, Kathryn Jablokow, and Seda McKilligan.
Design Studies, 74, 101015, January 2021.

Motivating Novice Crowd Workers through Goal Setting: An Investigation into the Effects on Complex Crowdsourcing Task Training

Amy Rechkemmer and Ming Yin.
The 8th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP), Hilversum, Netherlands, November 2020.
[Slides] · [Extended Talk]
Best Paper Award

Small Town or Metropolis? Analyzing the Relationship between Population Size and Lanugage

Amy Rechkemmer, Steven Wilson, and Rada Mihalcea.
The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Marseille, France, May 2020.

Examining the Effect of a Paradigm-Relatedness Problem Framing Tool on Idea Generation

Amy Rechkemmer, Maya Makhlouf, Jennifer Wenger, Eli Silk, Shanna Daly, Seda McKilligan, and Kathryn Jablokow.
The 2017 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition (ASEE), Columbus, OH, June 2017.
Best Paper Finalist

Using Paradigm-Relatedness to Measure Design Ideation Shifts

Eli Silk, Shanna Daly, Kathryn Jablokow, Seda McKilligan, Amy Rechkemmer, and Jennifer Wenger.
The 2016 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition (ASEE), New Orleans, LA, June 2016.